Instant Mood Booster at Work
Are you feeling a little down at work?
Maybe the work is piling up and you feel like you're falling behind. Or there is just a lack of connection that you can't quite explain. There is one simple tool you can use that can instantly elevate your mood.
No, I'm not telling you to take drugs to boost your mood. But one of the reasons many people turn to drugs is that they increase certain chemicals in your brain that make your feel good. Most of us have heard of these happy chemicals that make up the acronym DOSE.
Dopamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin, and Endorphins.
A little bit about DOSE:
Dopamine is a natural reward system in our brains, it is the little jolt of happiness your feel when you cross something off of your to-do list. But it also helps you get addicted to things that don't serve you, such as social media likes.
Oxytocin is the "hugging drug" hormone, giving you that feeling of connection and love to friends and family. It also helps improve our immune system and problem solving.
Serotonin is the chemical that improves your overall sense of well-being, as it helps regulate mood, digestion, and sleep among other things. Increasing serotonin is a goal for many prescription drugs to treat anxiety and depression.
Endorphins are what help push you past your comfort level and responsible for the runners high that people report.
I don't think I need to tell you all the negative consequences of drugs. They may increase the DOSE chemicals after you take them, but they actually reduce your body's ability to produce them naturally long term. There is a natural way to increase DOSE.
Do something nice for someone else.
It really is that simple. Doing something nice for someone gives you a jolt of dopamine, and over time you can use that to create a habit of being nice. It also increases your serotonin, oxytocin, and endorphins. All without any negative side effects.
One of the best ways I DOSE at work is through recognizing others' accomplishments.
Last week I was feeling a little disconnected and concerned that I was not doing a good job.
Then a colleague of mine had a project approved after some months of preparation. I decided I wanted to congratulate him through our company award program ($25 cash award). I was very thoughtful in my justification to the award approver and in the words my coworker would receive. I acknowledged details of his effort and the positive impacts of the project on our customers and company.
When I hit the send button, I had a HUGE DOSE of euphoria just imagining how my colleague feel…and he had not even received the award yet. For the rest of the day I notice a dramatic change in how I felt towards my job and towards myself.
A few days later when the award was issue, the response of gratitude expressed by my colleague gave me another DOSE. To top it off, I had one of the most productive weeks at work yet. I'm quite sure the positivity had something to do with that.
So I now want to challenge you to recognize someone this week, whether you feel down or not. Don't send just a generic "good job" email, but take the time to highlight the impact of their contribution. Pay attention to the effect this has on your own mood.